4 Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipes (inc Vegan)

Cornmeal porridge is probably the number one porridge in Jamaica as it not only tastes creamy and delicious, it is full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Easily made with simple ingredients, the addition of coconut milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla ramp up the volume and give that authentic lip-smacking Jamaican flavor to this must-try dish.

The love for Jamaican cornmeal porridge is instilled from birth as it’s traditionally given to breastfeeding mothers to build them up and as a first solid food for growing babies. This love affair with cornmeal porridge goes on right through life from the cradle to the grave.

As it is believed that eating Cornmeal porridge gives you strength and puts hunger pangs at bay, it is also a favorite for hardworking individuals and is given to the elderly as a delicious and familiar easily digestible nutritious meal.

Although Cornmeal Porridge may not always be available at Jamaican hotels it can be enjoyed when venturing out into the local area as it’s often available from Jamaican restaurants (cook shops) and from street vendors who will make a huge pot and sell it right through the day until sold out.

Jamaican cornmeal porridge is traditionally served with a slice or two of hard dough bread or some water crackers. Nowadays it is popular to top your cornmeal porridge with fruits, sliced nuts, and drizzles of nut butter.

What Does Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Taste Like?

Cornmeal porridge has a texture that is reminiscent of custard, which is smoother than regular oats porridge. With an irresistible creamy, slightly corny flavor that is perfectly married with the vanilla and sweetness from the milk and sugar and the spiciness of the cinnamon and nutmeg.

Jamaican cornmeal porridge can be served hot or cold and is delicious topped with sliced or diced fruits, nuts, and a little nut butter. Or why not serve the traditional Jamaican way with a slice or two of buttered bread.

Quick Tips On Making Perfect Cornmeal Porridge

If you are having problems getting the perfect consistency of your Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge follow these easy instructions for getting it back on track and on the table ready to enjoy!

My Cornmeal Porridge Is Too Thick?

If your cornmeal porridge becomes too thick you can always add some cold water or milk whilst stirring to loosen the porridge whilst stirring it on a low simmer. Continue stirring until the extra liquid is fully incorporated and if cooked through take it off the heat as it will re-thicken if left to dry out on the stove.

How Do I Get Rid Of Lumps In Cornmeal Porridge?

If you have any lumps in your cornmeal porridge you can try to disperse them by crushing them with the back of a spoon on the inside of the pot. Once crushed stir the cornmeal porridge thoroughly until they are fully incorporated.

Add a little milk or water to loosen the cornmeal porridge if necessary.

We have 4 Amazing Jamaican Cornmeal Recipes for you to try that will suit all eating habits and lifestyles. Whether you want the authentic traditional, Vegan or healthy version of this delicious recipe you will be sure to find something to tickle your tastebuds!

Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Traditional Recipe

This Traditional Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge recipe is for the original version of this iconic breakfast option, with cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut milk, and condensed milk.

It will evoke the senses with the aroma of the coconut and spices and the taste is rich, creamy, and smooth like custard.

Simply delicious you have to try this delicious recipe for traditional Jamaican cornmeal porridge.

Vegan Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe

This recipe for a Vegan Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge is a must-try!

Creamy, spicy, and totally moreish you’ll be adding this easy recipe to your weekly breakfast list after just one try!

This recipe is also totally Gluten Free (GF) and can be enjoyed by those following a wheat-free lifestyle too.

Healthy Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe (sugar-free / low in saturated fats)

Image Credit @somiigbene

Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge can still be enjoyed with you are following low fat and/or low sugar lifestyle.

This version of this iconic recipe is much healthier than the traditional version as it is free from added sugar, and low in saturated fats whilst still having a delicious flavor and health benefits.

Check out this recipe for Healthy Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge and you won’t be disappointed!

Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Ital Recipe

If you’ve always wondered how Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge is made on an open woodfire this fun and authentic (sometimes colorful language!) video will give you a glimpse into Ras Mokko’s version of Ital Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge.

If you are looking for a recipe with measurements, ingredients, and a full method, try one of the other tutorials we have featured above, as this video is more for your viewing pleasure and fun!

FAQ About Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge

If you are thinking about making Jamaican cornmeal porridge check out these FAQs and nutritional facts about who this recipe is ideal for and learn how you can substitute certain ingredients to make it suitable for all eating lifestyles.

Is Cornmeal Porridge Vegan?

Cornmeal porridge is traditionally made with a mix of coconut water, milk, and/or condensed milk, which makes it suitable for Vegetarians but not Vegans as these products contain cow’s milk.

However, by simply swapping out the cow’s milk for your preferred version of plant-based milk and/or adding some plant-based condensed milk you can totally enjoy this delicious and nutritious Jamaican breakfast porridge too.

If you want to try making a Veganized version of this dish check out the Vegan Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe above…

Is Cornmeal Porridge Alkaline or Acidic?

Jamaican Cornmeal porridge is considered to be Acidic as it has a Ph level of 6.5 when digested.

Is Cornmeal Porridge Gluten and Wheat Free?

Jamaican Cornmeal porridge is naturally gluten and wheat free as it is made from dried corn.

Is Cornmeal Good For High Blood Pressure?

There are phytonutrients found in corn that lower the risk of high blood pressure;  however, the traditional recipe for Jamaican cornmeal porridge is loaded with sugar and fat which can cause a spike in sugar levels when consumed.

If you are watching your blood pressure and want to enjoy this recipe swap the cow’s milk / condensed milk, for almond (or other plant-based) milk and go easy on the amount of sugar that you add to the cornmeal porridge. Why not try adding more cinnamon to the recipe instead, which is said to be a ‘false’ sweetener.

If you want to try making a healthier version of this dish check out the Low Fat Low Sugar Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe above…

Can Diabetics Eat Cornmeal Porridge?

You can eat Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge if you are a diabetic providing you don’t add condensed milk and sugar which are loaded with sugar and will cause a spike.

If you want to enjoy Jamaican cornmeal porridge swap the cow’s milk / condensed milk, for almond (or other plant-based) milk and go easy on the amount of sugar that you add to the porridge if you are diabetic. Why not try adding more cinnamon to the recipe instead, which is said to be a ‘false’ sweetener.

If you want to try making a healthier version of this dish check out the Low Fat Low Sugar Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe above…

Can Babies Eat Cornmeal Porridge?

It’s a big YES from us! It is very common for Cornmeal Porridge to be offered to babies as a first solid food in Jamaica as it is easily digestible and full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

The Benefits of Cornmeal Porridge

Cornmeal porridge not only tastes delicious it has many health-boosting properties that make all that rigorous stirring extra worthwhile! Cornmeal contains many essential minerals and vitamins that the body needs to efficiently function like thiamine, B6, folate, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.

Jamaicans believe that Cornmeal porridge gives the body strength and vitality and is often served to the more vulnerable members of the family. Popularly served to babies as a first solid food and to new mothers to build back up the body after the rigors of gestation and childbirth, it is also popularly given to the elderly for its health-boosting properties.

Is Cornmeal A Source Of Fiber?

With up to 5g of fiber per ¼ cup (wholegrain cornmeal), it is great for digestion and for keeping everything moving in the bowels on a regular basis. If you can only get refined cornmeal it will still have around 2g of fiber per ¼ cup, dependent on the brand.

Is Cornmeal A Source Of Iron?

Cornmeal is rich in the mineral Iron, which is needed for the body to produce red blood cells. Therefore, eating cornmeal porridge on a regular basis can help lessen the risk of anemia and high blood pressure and is popularly eaten by the young, elderly, and nursing mothers in Jamaica as it helps build up the body.

Is Cornmeal A Source Of Carbohydrates?

Cornmeal porridge is a great source of carbohydrates which gives the body slow-burning fuel for energy and creates a feeling of fullness, which can help curb the mid-morning munchies!

Is Cornmeal A Source of Protein?

Cornmeal provides 4.9g of protein per 61g serving, which more than oatmeal but roughly the same as quinoa.