Michael Lynch is a modern-day story teller whose name is becoming synonymous with real life Jamaica tales. If you want unbiased, insider information about Jamaica, then the ‘This is Jamaica’ Documentary could well be the answer to some of your questions about this diverse and often misunderstood Caribbean island. Far from the usual negative media uptake about Jamaica, Michael manages to uncover the truth about Jamaica, without using clichés or being sentimental.
If you want to learn more about Michael’s documentary, I wrote a post entitled ‘This is Jamaica’ Documentary which not only introduces the film, but also includes the means to rent the film (for your viewing pleasure!) On the back of this I invited Michael to take part in a ‘Support Jamaica, Buy Jamaican’ interview, so we can get a behind the scenes insight to this creative and intriguing Film Maker. Michael has great plans to showcase the Documentary in the UK and Part Two is expected to be out in 2014 to continue the coverage of the island and it’s people. Can’t wait to watch it? You can download the documentary here!
1. Introduce yourself and your role in the company?
My name is Michael Lynch I am the Producer and Director of the company.
2. When was your company established and why did you choose this career path?
The company was established in Jamaica in January 2001 and Uk in November 2012.
3. Tell me about your typical working day?
After checking, sending and reading emails, text and other social networks. I start work on organising music and video projects along with other technical consultant work for the company.

4. What is your company philosophy?
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance.
5. How much of your work takes place in Jamaica?
At present very little but later in 2014 we plan to do a lot more filming and music production.
6. Are you Jamaican?
I consider myself Jamaican but I was born in the UK to Jamaican parents.
7. Tell me your top 3 likes and dislikes about living and working in Jamaica?
Likes: Sunshine, people and food. Dislikes: roads, crime, mosquitos.
8. What new company plans and visions are you working on?
Working on setting up a training school for media and technology.
9. What is your personal favourite production that you have made and why?
“This is Jamaica documentary”, traveling and discovering Jamaica was very exciting for me, meeting and talking with the Jamaican people has learnt me a lot.

10. Who or what, is your inspiration or role model?
My inspiration and role model would have to be my mother who instilled in me great life lessons, love for all people and pride.
11. Where can we buy your productions in Jamaica and overseas?
At present rental through the website http://computamax/thisisjamaica and Amazon video on demand for rental, sale and download.
12. How do you love to spend your free time in Jamaica?
Chillin out at any of the many beautiful locations.
13. If you could be Prime Minister of Jamaica for a day, what would you do?
Set up a mass education and training program for all Jamaicans especially those in poor areas and the challenged.

14. Which Jamaican, dead or alive, do you feel made the biggest contribution to Jamaica and why?
Marcus Garvey for his strength leadership and commitment to his people.
15. If you could impart one piece of advice to inspire young Jamaicans to start their own businesses or succeed in their chosen career, what would it be?
Believe in what you do, think positive at all times have faith and never give up! Prayer, Practise, Patience and Persistence.
16. Apart from your own company, what is your favourite Jamaican company and why?
I would have to say Digicel for opening up new markets for providing an alternative mobile solution for the Jamaican people.
17. What do you feel you and your company has to offer viewers and listeners in international and home markets, over and above your competitors?
We are proud to be a company producing positive awareness of Jamaica and its people we aim to provide more discovery of our identity, history and culture to all people with any connections or interest in Jamaica.
18. How do you believe we as a nation can help to build Jamaica?
By coming together as one people, to put aside trivial matters, I believe education is one of the key factors, to look at the many great things the island has to offer and decide to work together with a common aim and strengthen the motto (out of many one people).
19. What are your aspirations for Jamaica?
To see Jamaica become completely independent, for crime to diminish.
20. What are your thoughts on the ‘SUPPORT JAMAICA BUY JAMAICAN!’ post on Sweet Jamaica’s blog?
I believe whole heartedly in that our home grown food is the best. Eat what we grow, grow what we eat every time!
Want to find out more?
Read Sweet Jamaica’s review of the ‘This is Jamaica Documentary’ in this post…
Check out the official website for Computamax Productions here.
On 24th November 2013 Michael Lynch created column inches in The Gleaner, a national newspaper in Jamaica when staff reporter Sadeke Brooks produced a article based on an interview with Michael, which can be read here.
If you would like to hear more about Michael Lynch and his documentary, he has also been featured on a BBC Radio Derby Interview here with Devon Daley .
If you would like to rent a copy of Michael Lynch’s ‘This is Jamaica’ Documentary for 7 days it costs US$1.99, click here.
Check out the Facebook page and click like here!