I would like to thank the lovely Simone from ‘Retirement and Good Living’, who asked me to write a guest post about retirement in Jamaica. When writing the content for the post it made me think more seriously about what I intend to do with myself when I have to make this choice. If you too are pondering on your retirement, then you may be hard pushed to decide what to do with these ‘freedom years’. The choice of where and how to live is ever-increasing, but with some good impartial advice you will be well on your way to getting the best out of this time of your life.
The ‘Retirement and Good Living’ website has a portfolio of information ranging from financial and health advice to the more fun aspects of retirement locations and what to do with your free time, such as volunteering, knitting jumpers for penguins and other pursuits! Be sure to stop by and take in ‘The Top 10…’ and ‘The Latest On….’ section for up to date information on all the best parts of retiring.
Jamaica has a lot of offer to retiree’s and my guest post gives you the scoop on retirement in Jamaica. You will find full details on a variety of topics such as The Cost of Living, Property Prices, How to Manage on a State Pension, Where to Live, What to do, Transportation, the weather and much more. Stop by and check out the other great features on the Retirement and Good Living website while you are there.
I will give you a small taster of the Guest Post about Retirement in Jamaica that is featured on the Retirement and Good Living website…. but you will have to visit the site for the full post!

Pensions and Retirement Age
Living and working in the UK all my life I have witnessed the retirement and pension age steadily rising, with experts claiming that I will have to wait until I am 67 or 68 years old to receive full state pension. When I do receive my State Pension it may equate to between £84.45 and £110.15 a week, which I would be expected to live on in London…. Mmm! I’m not sure that would be possible. The facts are that even as a home owner in the UK, with no mortgage, the cost of living is high and it is viable that the figure I would receive each week would be the same as my monthly heating bill alone.
Thoughts of the huddled, hunched up figures moving around padded with clothes, their scrunched up ‘sea faring’ face turned away from the cold air, that I had seen in London last month, crossed my mind. Brrrr! There are many pensioners in the UK suffering hardship and it is now becoming more common for this group to pool their resources and buy a property with their grown up children and their families in order to live a more refined life in retirement. Plans for holidays in the sun become more and more enticing, but it is always back to the cold for the majority of the time…
My full post on Retirement and Good Living can be read here…